Prayer confession for Christian writers

I thank You Father that your gifts and calling are irrevocable. I thank You Father that I have been filled with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and in all of writing workmanship, to be an effective challenging and soul winning writer. I exalt Your name Lord, for You have opened […]
So, you want to write Christian devotionals

Note to readers: For convenience I’ve defined Christian living books as books that deal with all aspects of Christian life. Devotionals are those that are used for quiet contemplation and self-examination, usually during prayer times and/or Bible study. Devotionals/Christian living will be used interchangeably in this article. Where necessary, distinctions will be made between the […]
Understanding copyright

What is copyright? Copyright protects original works and gives creators the economic right to control the way their material is used. It also gives moral rights to be identified as the creators of certain kinds of material. What is protected by copyright? Original works such as literary, film, art etc. What is the difference between […]
Setting up your Christian writing business

It’s the New Year and you’ve made a resolution to be a ‘serious’ writer and make money from your writing. After all, God has called you to do this, right? Before jacking in the day-time job, stop and think. It’s much better to source writing jobs while still in a 9-5 (the job that pays […]